Thursday, August 23, 2007

What Race of Dragon are You? (Relatable questions and Detailed answers)

Water DragonAppearance: Water Dragons are physically much more beautiful and graceful than Earth Dragons. They can grow to, or bigger than, 23ft in length. Although their front legs end in sharp claws, their back legs have become more like fins (making movement on land more difficult). They are magnificently colored, ranging from mother-of-pearl and silver to dark blue.Personality: They cherish beauty above all else. They are inspired poets and can spend hours examining their own reflections in the water, in narcissistic poses. Adult Water Dragons only eat virgin maidens, and some dragons have even rejected the maidens because they werent beautiful enough or they werent correctly attired. They love to have their victims to look beautiful; however, this is also a weakness. Water Dragons can sometimes fall in love with their meal. They are also brave, fighting to the death if called upon. Usually, though, Water Dragons are timid and caring (especially of their young).Where They Dwell: Their homes are bigger and more elaborate than the Earth Dragons. Usually in a cave with a submerged entrance, yet the cave is always dry. The floor is covered with sand that the dragon brings from the beach. Its usually decorated with pearls, corals, and gems the dragon has collected over the years. Stalactites/stalagmites are also part of the dcor.Weaknesses: If the dragon does not feed on female virgins, as is often the case, these dragons suffer from excruciating indigestion, which can be fatal. The only cure for that are massive doses of almond oil and a concoction made from orange blossoms and magnolia petals. They are easy to capture, (if u can ever catch a glimpse of one) for they cannot bear any kind of chains or bonds around their necks. They also cannot survive in polluted water.Servants: They range from water nymphs or sprites, but mostly humans are their servants. The women are both their mistresses and their servants.
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