Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hinder Me Again || Dedicated to Anyone

Hinder me again, I tell you. and you will feel my wrath upon your sorry head. At first maybe you think if you hindered me again... nothing will happen. You're wrong! Something will happen. Your death... will be much sooner.

So I say to you again, Hinder me again. Try it again I dare you and I will make sure I unleash hell upon your sorry little soul.

It would feel like your soul was burning (yes torture) and you- wont move! It's like nothing is happening and you can only feel it.

And when you think 'hell' is over.... think again. Because your wrong... very wrong.

Hell has only started....

So I say to you... Hinder me again...

Yeah, this is dedicated to anyone. I wrote/typed it coz' my friend was once blocking my way to the restroom (and I really needed to go.) so yeah.... That's all ^^

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