Friday, August 24, 2007

WaterFall || Special Request from my Brother

The crashing of the ever powerful waterfall, this symbolizes Stregnth.
The clear, and ever fresh water, symbolizes Purity.
The flowing water, the gentle breeze, symbolizes Kindness.
The mighty roar, that resonates from this waterfal, symbolizes Courage.

Though, this is not what interests me. Strength, Purity, Kindness, and courage is nothing to me.

For I am but a traveler... A traveler who met his destined one by the waterfall.


That still is not what interests me.

"Everytime I am by this cascading tower of pure water, all I can think of is how [nearly] perfect the world will be if everything in it was as pure, kind and perfect. And that this perfection will only be surpassed by heaven- the all perfect paradise"

This is what interests me, my dream my hope, are future....

That's all! Well the sentences inside the qoutation marks are by my brother... I would LOVE to link to his site so you can view a much better site... but he won't allow me to... ^^

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